
Showing posts from January, 2021

OOD Readers Paradise - Reading Challenge Day 124

Good morning beloved bookworms! Today is a very special day and it has been one whole year (plus a month) wherein we are living with the coronavirus. Today is 1st February! So, for today's challenge, we would like you to tell us what is your plan for this month. Your beloved bookworms Aishwaryaa and Divyalakshmi

OOD Readers Paradise - Reading Challenge Day 123

Good morning dear bookworms. We hope you all are staying safe. Today we want to give you a task which challenges your vocabulary skills.  This is the mood jar You will have to think of a positive word that starts with your first letter in your name and post it in the comment section. (P.S.- Words can not be repeated) But this time, the words should describe the journey you have experienced in OOD Readers Paradise So dear bookworms good luck and bring your A+ game ON!!!!